Tour to Sondrio
Sondrio is an Italian town of 21.356 inhabitants, capital of the province of the same name, located in the middle Valtellina, the main center of the valley. It was designated Alpine Town of the Year in 2007. Set in the heart of the Alps, Sondrio is a small jewel, made of wood, water and stone, […]
Travel to Todi
Todi is an Italian town of 16.296 inhabitants in the province of Perugia. It stands on a hill 411 m above sea level, which overlooks the middle valley of the Tiber. The municipal territory, among the largest in the Umbria region, is mostly hilly and is composed of a myriad of small settlements. In the […]
Travel to Capodimonte
Capodimonte is an Italian town of 1.683 inhabitants in the province of Viterbo in Lazio; it is about 25 km from the capital Rome. The town is located on a promontory of Lake Bolsena, formed over 300,000 years ago following the calderic collapse of some volcanoes belonging to the Volsini mountain chain, and occupied since […]
Travel to Fontanellato
Fontanellato is an Italian town of 7.056 inhabitants in the province of Parma in Emilia-Romagna. The territory corresponding to today’s Fontanellato was already inhabited during the Bronze Age, as demonstrated by the studies carried out by Luigi Pigorini at the end of the 19th century. Subsequently the Fontanellatese territory was colonized by the Romans. The […]
Trip to Senigallia
Senigallia is an Italian town of 44.464 inhabitants in the province of Ancona in the Marche, second in the province by number of inhabitants after the capital, as well as the sixth most populated in the region. It is one of the main tourist resorts of the Marche region, attracting visitors from all over Italy […]