Abruzzo is an Italian region located east of Rome, between the Adriatic and the Apennines. The hinterland consists largely of national parks and nature reserves. The region also includes medieval and Renaissance villages perched on the hills. Its capital, L’Aquila, is a walled city, damaged by the devastating 2009 earthquake.
There are numerous natural reserves such as the Abruzzo National Park, the Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga Park or that of the Majella, which provide protection for plant and animal species typical of the area, such as the golden eagle, the wolf and the Marsican bear.
The Abruzzo coast is characterized by long, sandy shores in the northern part, while pebble beaches prevail in the south. The Trabocchi Coast, with sandy coves, takes its name from the traditional fishing piers.
Rich in charm are the small inland villages, the monasteries, the castles of the region that make up many different routes of visit in the greenest region of Italy.
Abruzzo provinces are: L’Aquila (capital), Pescara, Teramo, Chieti.